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Ballett wird nach verschiedenen Methoden gelehrt: der Cecchetti-Methode (Italien), der englischen Methode, der Waganova-Methode (Russland) und der Balanchine-Methode (USA).
Alle vier bauen die Technik unterschiedlich auf, führen die Schritte anders aus und setzten ihre Schwerpunkte auf andere Bereiche.
Da die Geschichte des Balletts in Italien beginnt und dann auf  Frankreich übergeht, sind noch heute die meisten Begriffe der  Ballettsprache französischen oder seltener italienischen Ursprungs.
Aber  auch einige durch die englische Schule geprägte Begriffe kann man in  der Ballettsprache finden. Ballettterminologie ist noch immer nicht  einheitlich, jede der großen Schulen verwendet leicht abweichende  Termini.

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13 Nov 2023
In various forms of magic, including love magic, candles are often used as symbolic tools to focus energy and intention. The color of a candle is believed to carry specific vibrational frequencies and energies that align with particular intentions. In the context of love magic, the use of a white candle is associated with purity, spiritual love, and unity.

Here are some ways in which a white candle might be used in love magic:

Purification and Cleansing: White candles are often used at the beginning of a love spell or ritual to purify and cleanse the energy surrounding the individuals involved. This is believed to remove any negative influences or barriers that might hinder the manifestation of love.

Unity and Spiritual Connection: White is often associated with spiritual or transcendent love. Lighting a white candle can symbolize a desire for a deep, meaningful connection that goes beyond the physical and emotional aspects of love.

Peace and Harmony: White is also a color associated with peace and harmony. Lighting a white candle can be a way to bring a sense of calm and balance to a relationship, fostering an environment where love can thrive.

Communication and Understanding: White candles may be used to enhance communication and understanding between partners. The intention is to create an atmosphere where open and honest communication can take place, strengthening the emotional bond.

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22 Sep 2023
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